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A 52 M38CDN that my son will tell his kids about.
Posted on Saturday, April 11 @ 14:10:57 UTC by Ryan

M38 johnsfind53 writes:
As a lineman for Atlantic Canada I beat many miles of road, always looking for treasures in someones field. Late, headed for the office, Being bad ( driving while talking on the phone) I drove past the road for the highway. "oh well, guess I can pick up the highway in Salsbury". Only one problem, the other two trucks followed me. As I was slowing for an intersection, it caught the corner of my eye. "Hmmm, a Jeep,, ah likely and old CJ5,, what do I want that for,, carry on". Got to the highway and couldn't stand it, I had to look. Back I went, "holy crap,a flat fender" price was on the windshield, a fair one but more than I was interested in spending, but for that year was it ever in good shape. Faded red, two spots where someone decided to hide a dent with filler, a patch on the floor under it the dummy didn't fix the hat channel, but that's it for body work. Mechanicly,, it's all there, except for the winch.

Owner showed up, we chatted about the find. he bought it from a guy that grew too old to fix it, after parking it in a barn in 1985. He planned to fix it up and use it in the woods, but changed his mind after he couldn't get the engine to start. I made him an offer,, about half,, he refused, I gave him one of my cards, in case he changed his mind and headed home. " There that's the end of that".
About a week later, I was up in the bucket working on trouble. Had Pat, my wife with me for the drive, the owner called me. "Offer still there?",, "yup",, "can you get it out of here in two days?,, "yup",, "come get it". Came down out of the bucket, climbed in the cab, "bought a Jeep hun", "You bought what?",, were officially married now.. Found out afterwards that two young fellows wanted to buy it and put a 350 in it. The owner figured that there was an accident about to happen, and wanted rid of it.
 When I landed with the deck truck. I had to "fess up", told the guy " These rigs are rare, this one is in remarkable shape, (keep in mind guys, Atlantic Canada, snow, ROAD SALT, much rust) I made you that offer so I could say I made you one. I won't hold it agains't you if you back out",, "Nope, you came here to get it , I agreed on your price, It's yours."
In the process of building a new house so to the lake it went. Sized up as much as I could every time we went out for a stay. Worked in a body shop in high school, have rebuilt many GMC trucks. Two from the frame up. Never anything this old. The boss at the shop was ex military so I heard alot about the old Jeeps.
Pulled the gas tank first off to see the condition on the under side. Strange, still held liquid,, no leaks,, I am NOT going to say gas because that twenty plus year old stuff wasn't gas anymore. Front end not in bad shape. Steering a bit loose but it is the old Ross steering. Engine not stuck, but seems like two cylinders are low in compression.
Two months later, and many phone calls "wanna sell that old Jeep??" (could have trippled my money three time now) I had to bring it home, if nothing else to get it under cover, and out of sight. Promised Pat that I wouldn't put a wrench on it untill the garage was finished. Didn't mention anything about a screwdriver and a flashlight. So far no surprises.
 Funny thing, the guys in the other two line trucks gave me a case of the cutes about going back and looking. On the way back home with the Jeep I stopped at the job site. Two of them are still kicking themselves.

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