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Need better brakes on my 1953 M38A1
Ramsey NOS winch for sale.
NOS Ramsey winch 50r fs
Website update
M38 Front Axle to Frame Bumper Replacement
Photo gallery request
Knuckle tag

Willys M Jeeps Forums

New book on the M38 Jeep just released

Information on the M38 jeep has been difficult to obtain until now.  This book describes the history of the M38 from imediately after WWII, prototype development, factory production and through early military service life.  Included are 220 pages with over 800 photos of jeeps and the correct parts for a restoration.  The book describes the changes made during factory production and has detailed information on many aspects of the M38.

If you are restoring, looking to buy or sell or just have an M38 and want to know more about it this book will be an invaluable tool.

This book can be purchased at
This website (website members only)  see for sale forum 
Debella jeep parts:
Army Jeep Parts:

Posted by Ryan on Friday, August 21 @ 13:19:32 UTC (16336 reads)
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M37 Operators Manual
General Information M37 OPERATORS MANUAL

To see the complete 150 page manual website members can go to the downloads section of this website in the M37 file.

Posted by Ryan on Monday, April 13 @ 21:45:59 UTC (30869 reads)
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Military Vehicle Wiring numbers
General Information Want to know what wire number 11 goes to on your military vehicle?

This is the complete numbering system for all Army vehicles from tanks to jeeps to 2 1/2 tons. 

Click on the READ MORE  below to see the complete article.

You can also view this article in a larger format for easier reading and many more tech articles on our DOWNLOADS section as a member of our site.

I hope this helps you in your restoration.

Ryan Miller and Wes Knettle

Posted by Ryan on Saturday, April 11 @ 14:48:51 UTC (14789 reads)
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M151 Introduction 1963 Pamphlet
M151 Introduction for Army Personel.  Published in 1963.
These are the first several pages.  The complete pamphlet and in a larger format for easier reading can be found in the download section of this website under M151.

Posted by Ryan on Saturday, April 11 @ 14:27:36 UTC (13640 reads)
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A 52 M38CDN that my son will tell his kids about.
M38 johnsfind53 writes:
As a lineman for Atlantic Canada I beat many miles of road, always looking for treasures in someones field. Late, headed for the office, Being bad ( driving while talking on the phone) I drove past the road for the highway. "oh well, guess I can pick up the highway in Salsbury". Only one problem, the other two trucks followed me. As I was slowing for an intersection, it caught the corner of my eye. "Hmmm, a Jeep,, ah likely and old CJ5,, what do I want that for,, carry on". Got to the highway and couldn't stand it, I had to look. Back I went, "holy crap,a flat fender" price was on the windshield, a fair one but more than I was interested in spending, but for that year was it ever in good shape. Faded red, two spots where someone decided to hide a dent with filler, a patch on the floor under it the dummy didn't fix the hat channel, but that's it for body work. Mechanicly,, it's all there, except for the winch.
Posted by Ryan on Saturday, April 11 @ 14:10:57 UTC (11222 reads)
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General Information ltsaile writes:

When you bought your military vehicles you probably remember having to do this chore. Cleaning out the garage, that is. Making room for what’s to come! Some things are easy to throw...
Posted by Ryan on Thursday, November 23 @ 10:49:32 UTC (10804 reads)
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Battery Box Corrosion
General Information ChuckW writes: BATTERY MAINTENANCE

Like a lot of HMV owners’ I don’t drive my vehicles as much as I would like. In fact, my M38 rarely comes out of the garage except for vehicle rallies. For the last few years, I have been plagued by battery acid corrosion damage to the battery boxes in my M38, especially the cowl box.

Posted by Ryan on Sunday, October 01 @ 22:01:42 UTC (18712 reads)
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M38 Tires
M38 Tires

Photos and identification information provided by Jim Kelley and Keith Buckley, edited by Ryan Miller.
Posted by Ryan on Wednesday, April 05 @ 15:58:29 UTC (33739 reads)
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M38 Jeeps in Japan circa 1953
M38’s in Japan 1953

Written by Jim Kelley

Restoring my M38 brought back some memories of an old friend of mine from the Artillery school at Fort Sill, OK. In talking to him I told him I had purchased an M38 Jeep and was restoring it. He said he thought he was driving an M38 while stationed in Japan in 1953.

He mailed me some photos ....
Posted by Ryan on Saturday, April 01 @ 17:20:15 UTC (21836 reads)
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Father and Son
Other cairopd123 writes:
Last year I purchased a 1953 M38A1.  My sole purpose for buying the jeep was a way of spending time with
my son, who is now 15.  We decided to do a frame-off restoration and restore the jeep as close
to original as we can. 

I have learned a lot about jeeps over the past year, we have completely disassembled
the jeep and starting the rebuild.  Money is hard to come by and I have to buy a few parts at a time, but more important I have learned a lot about my son. 

We work on it together and it amazes me the things he figures out by himself when I get frustrated with something.  My dad
was a great father, but he was not interested in mechanical things. 

There is no way I can describe the joy I feel having my son by my side, me teaching him,
and him teaching me.  If anyone needs a reason to buy a project to work on, take my word for it, this is the best
money I have ever spent.  Remember, there is no way to turn back the clock on life!

Wayne Redden
Cairo, Ga.
Posted by Ryan on Wednesday, February 08 @ 22:22:13 UTC (15656 reads)
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