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Father and Son
Posted on Wednesday, February 08 @ 22:22:13 UTC by Ryan
cairopd123 writes: Last year I purchased a 1953 M38A1. My sole purpose for buying the jeep was a way of spending time with my son, who is now 15. We decided to do a frame-off restoration and restore the jeep as close to original as we can.
I have learned a lot about jeeps over the past year, we have completely disassembled the jeep and starting the rebuild. Money is hard to come by and I have to buy a few parts at a time, but more important I have learned a lot about my son.
We work on it together and it amazes me the things he figures out by himself when I get frustrated with something. My dad was a great father, but he was not interested in mechanical things.
There is no way I can describe the joy I feel having my son by my side, me teaching him, and him teaching me. If anyone needs a reason to buy a project to work on, take my word for it, this is the best money I have ever spent. Remember, there is no way to turn back the clock on life!
Wayne Redden Cairo, Ga.
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Average Score: 4.13 Votes: 23

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Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by davem201m38 on Saturday, February 25 @ 14:52:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thats a wonderful statement, and one I can really relate to. |
Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by choribor on Tuesday, June 19 @ 11:53:23 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Very nice true story Wayne, Im having a similar experience in restoring a M 38 with a younger friend ! He is the owner of 2 Dodge 3/4 tons trucks and a CJ2A Willys Jeep, that belonged to his grandfather, he helps me a lot, and teach me lots of things about restoring. Again, very nice your experience! |
Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by monkeyboy on Friday, November 14 @ 12:45:53 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | great story im a new member of the site from uk and this story reminded me of helping my farther to restore his wartime ford gpw jeep and as a result i now have a willys mb and have just bought a willys m38 mc unfortunatly my farther is no longer with us but i have many great memories of the restoration and fun times with him and the jeep thanks. |
Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by suburban_sam on Wednesday, July 27 @ 01:37:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Your post describes the very same way my dad and I restored my jeep. He bought it when I was 15, we restored it together and now I'm 30, still have the jeep(will never part with it) and I will never forget our time together working on it. What a great experience. |
Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by kruz on Tuesday, April 10 @ 00:30:49 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Wayne,
So very very true and one a lot of us baby boomers can relate to.
Those memories will last a lifetime and as you so aptly put it...'there is no way to turn back the clock on life'! Bravo for your thoughts!
Cheers and all the best in your project,
Kruz |
Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by rajseattle on Tuesday, May 17 @ 20:31:48 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Excellent! I too bought a 1953 M38A1 for the express purpose to have a family experience and a "bonding project" with my son-in-law. I'm so glad I did. My son-in-law and I have a life long friendship now based on many hours of working and learning together. We started five years ago (July 2011) with zero knowledge, some mechanical ability and a connection to the internet. We are a few weeks from finishing the project. (www.53NavyJeep.com) If you have any desire to do a frame off restore, do it, and do it with a son, daughter or friend! It's worth every minute and every dollar!
Seattle WA |
Re: Father and Son (Score: 1) by Ironbutterfly on Friday, March 16 @ 17:19:38 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Good on you! My son and daughter and I spent a lot of quality time building and using Willys jeeps and a Suzuki Samuai ( daughters).
My daughter later taught her husband how to change oil a nd fuel filters and drive a manual transmission so the apprentiseship continues |